Living in a World Affected by Covid-19

Living in a world affected by Covid-19 has not been easy. So many of us have lost our jobs as well as my fellow sex workers.  

My civvie job and my sex work are on hold now and like many of us in the industry I have no income coming in with bills and a loan to pay. These have been difficult times.
For all of us this is unchartered waters in unprecedent times. 

I never imagined living through a pandemic.  To see our supermarket shelves empty with the basic essentials to survive. People going crazy over toilet paper.  That will go down in history. We all need to support one another by showing some kindness.  We need resilience, respect and courage.

Sydney CBD deserted

I recently had a death in the family during these difficult times. Attending the funeral was a different experience.  Everyone practiced physical distancing. No-one touched each other, no hugs or consoling one another.  It was heart-breaking not being able to share the grief. The funeral home provided hand sanitiser to everyone as we left (which sadly is almost a metaphor for the service sanitised).  This is the new norm.

I usually go to the beach for walks to clear my mind but have been staying away due to so many people not social distancing. I will continue to do so when I can when I know I will be on my own to do the right thing with social distancing.  Other times I am self-isolating. 
I’m keeping active by walking in the park or riding a bush bike each day.

I have also been dealing with harassment because that person has taken it upon themselves to jump to conclusions without any proof of evidence to back up their assumptions about me on a matter. It’s been a stressful time for me.

If you would like to help me make it through this period I would truly appreciate any financial support that you may care to make. Would love to hear from you if you are able to help me out. 

If you would like to chat at any time to keep in touch with one another and provide the companionship that you may need, happy to chat for a small donation.

To all my wonderful clients thank you so much for all your support. I hope to see you soon when we come out the other side of Covid-19. Especially looking forward to a dinner or lunch date to enjoy some good conversation, meal and fun. See my services

Remember #socialdistancing so we can continue living in a world affected by Covid-19, beat this and be safe. Hopefully a vaccine will be found soon.
