Gentleman if you are looking to unwind and relax let me provide you with an erotic massage.
I provide a combination of my soft sensual touch, teasing and tantalising every inch of your body. At the end of the massage your pleasuer will reach that happy ending.
I will be dressed in sexy lingerie unless you would like me nude.
The massage is for 30 minutes only at $150 and nude $200.
(No sex or intimate sexual touching is provided – this is not full service)
Are you missing some social connection, you don’t have to have sex to have an enjoyable time. If you are a gentleman looking for a friendly companion to share a good laugh, conversation, some fun and a relaxing time I provide social dates. There is no expectations on either of us just to have a good time.
If you are visiting Sydney and would like a tour guide around this wonderful city or like some company on a lunch or dinner date, look no further, as I would love to connect with you on a social date.
Likewise, for any gentleman who need some company to an event or are lonely and would love to chat with me over a coffee, a walk on the beach or perhaps a movie.
Some of my favourite places to visit are the Blue Mountains and lunch at my favourite cafe at Wentworth Falls. Alternatively, a trip down to the Southern Highlands around Bowral or Berrima. A drive along the Northern Beaches where we could have a picnic and walk along one of the many beautiful beaches. If you are short for time, the city of Sydney on the harbour foreshore has so much to offer, sights, cafes and restaurants. These are just some ideas for a social date.
On another note, if you would like to be held and have a chat, I offer hugs and cuddle sessions (fully clothed non-sexual) to help relieve the tension and feel the touch of a person. We all crave the feel of touch of another person.
Are you feeling stressed, body muscles aches, well let me make you feel relaxed, unwind, stress free with a sensual massage or “eroctic” massage with my soft touch.
The history of sensual massage can be found over more than a thousand years and was widespread in China and India. A sensual massage is designed to be sexually stimulating and is to promote relaxation and increase arousal, leading to increased sexual pleasure.
My soft hands will glide over your body and caress you with massage oil. At the end of the massage if you would like I can give you a “happy ending”.
A sensual or eroctic massage can boost your health and wellbeing. By having a massage regularly it can:
strengthen your immune system by raising your antibodies to ward against germs and viruses
lower the risk of heart attack
Sleeping improvement
eliminate headaches, back aches to name a few by raising your endorphins in your body which are a natural painkiller
lower the risk of prostate cancer
stronger, longer erections
increase sexual stamina
Of course having a massage is stress relief, but having a massage with eroctica the benefits go much further. Massage strokes alone breaks down muscle knots and eliminate the stress hormone cortisol giving you relief. The euphoria of a happy ending releases the feel good chemical Oxycontin, which maximises the pleasure and stimulates a positive mind-set for you. An erotic massage really is the best relief.
Some people enjoy massage beyond the numerous health benefits because it produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection without the sex.
You can always check with your Doctor if it is medically safe for you. If you have never tried this type of massage before, why not make a booking with me for a 30 minute sensual massage and let me make you feel relaxed.
I recently took a trip to Kiama for the first time which is a coastal town which is just over 2 hours drive south of Sydney. You can, of course, drive the more scenic route stopping at the Sea Cliff Bridge, Stanwell Park, rainforest walks and the coastal drive.
It is known for the Kiama Blowhole and Little Blowhole. Heading north, the Kiama Coast Walk trail links the blowholes to the columns of Cathedral Rocks, with whale-watching spots along the way. The beaches have calm water for swimming. It’s such a relaxing place to stay and great to get out of Sydney for a change of pace.
Cathedral Rock
So if you would like a day trip I’m available for bookings to show you this beautiful scenery.
The benefits of a hug are more than just a friendly greeting, people hug to express their feelings from affection and joy and sadness. We can also call hugs the “love hormone” oxytocin but it also heals sickness, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.
The feeling of touch and a deep hug has these benefits:
A nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety;
Boost oxytocin levels to heal feelings of loneliness, isolation and anger.
Having a long hug increases oxytocin levels which gives you a feeling of happiness. It also can lead to intimacy between one another;
A hug can strengthen the immune system keeping us healthy. Plus it relaxes our muscles and can soothe our aches and pains.
So if you feel the need for a hug, I would be happy to hug you back as I do like a hug myself. Hugs are all part of my dates.
It has been a difficult year for some coming out of Covid into an unknown economy, but was also filled with wonderful clients and new adventures.I would like to thank all the clients I have seen over the year, great company, good conversations and the sensual pleasures.
Thank you to all of you. I look forward to seeing you in 2023.
Lets share some kindness, happiness in our lives and stay safe.
Are you having pleasurable and great sex? Sex that works for you and is great and makes you feel satisfied, gives you pleasure and makes you feel confident in the bedroom.
Great sex is about having a sensual experience, something I provide in my sessions. A lot of people believe to have great sex is all about their performance to get it right. So when we are in the bedroom it is not always about the sexual performance but pleasure you give one another. No one has sex perfectly but is something we enjoy and is fun. Pleasure is about communicating with your sexual partners while having the sexual experience, being together, relaxing, trusting the person you are with, relating to each other and experiencing sex as something other than penetration and orgasm. Communicating is important so we learn what our partners like and don’t like so we can respect one another.
Some men feel inadequate because they cannot perform and there are many reasons for this, anxiety, stress, nervousness seeing a companion, but we can enjoy the sensual touch of one another and feel and learn the curves of each other’s bodies. A relaxing massage is always a good way to relieve the tension. This will help to have great sex. If you are at the age your both cannot perform any longer you still can have fun with intimacy with kisses, cuddles and just feeling each other’s bodies.
Of course, having sex and an orgasm will relieve the stress and release endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) which will help and reduce anxiety, better sleep and boost our blood circulation for a healthier wellbeing.
I don’t judge anyone on their performance. I just want us both to have a sensual experience which brings both pleasure, an enjoyable time and fun along the way.
I am available for sessions for a pleasurable and sensual session.
Are you visiting Sydney or missing a companion to share a lunch or dinner, look no further. It would be my pleasure to accompany you and keep you company. A lunch or dinner date is the perfect way to start a booking. If you are feeling nervous, this is a great way you can start to unwind and feel relaxed.
As we sit across the table on a dinner date you will look into my mesmerising green eyes as we make a connection. Its a perfect way to get to know each other enjoying the evening in each other’s company, good conversation and a nice meal which will lead to what is next to come.
It’s nice to dress up on occasions for dinner but I also love to be relaxed and casual for a date. I love seafood restaurants. We can go to a restaurant of your choosing, maybe one at the hotel or I can arrange a deluxe dinner package.
Alternatively, we could have a casual meal at my incall. I love something simple on these dates, prawns, fresh bread and avocado and for dessert some strawberries. It sets the stage for the rest of the time afterwards when we head to the bedroom. What happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.
Over the years I have seen how there has been little or no etiquette in manners of clients contacting a sex worker.
When making a booking, it can be overwhelming for the first time, but overall please be polite and respectable and I will be the same to you. Please read the ad or website first before contacting me especially to see if I am the right person for you to see. Do some research, if I’m not the person for you there will be someone else.
When contacting me for the first time follow how to contact me. Don’t “Hi Babe, are u available” and “are you interested”. Manners is important to me. Provide the information requested to make a booking and let the provider know a little about yourself . The information asked by you is for our safety. Inquire what you would like in a booking and whether the provider, provides what you are looking for. Please don’t haggle with rates as this is one way not to be accepted for a booking and if a deposit is requested this is non-negotiable. When you come to a booking please make sure your clean hygiene and no the boundaries if a “no” is said it means “no”. I am here to make you feel at ease and relaxed and take away the pressures of your busy life and we can have an enjoyable time.
I do prefer a lunch or dinner date as we can get to know one another before we close the bedroom door for some intimacy. I am known for my sensual touch as I run my hands over your body.
Our sexual desire can be increased by eating food that are “aphrodisiac” which is defined as a “drug or food that arouses sexual desire”. It stimulates one or more of our five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch accompanied by some wine, chocolate, candlelight and music.
So aphrodisiacs can boost our sexual drive. It can help to increase our libidos in certain ways by increasing blood flow to sex organs, while others increase the body to produce higher levels of hormones associated with sex drive. Weather this is all true or not, it is important to eat healthy and exercise to maintain your sex drive.
Some of the foods are: chocolate, strawberries, watermelon, red wine, oysters, almonds.
So why not try some strawberries and wine in my company and let the feel-good hormone dopamine give boost to your libido.
If you would like to arouse your sexual desire, lets arrange a date. See my Services and Contact for bookings.