Women Orgasm in their Sleep


We all enjoy an orgasm which is a feeling of intense sexual pleasure that happens during sexual activity which is called “climaxing”. Both men and women have orgasms. The period after orgasm is attributed to the release of neurohormones, oxytocin and prolactin as well endorphins. It gives us that relaxed happy feeling.

A lot of men have sleep orgasms known as “wet dreams” during adolescence when their bodies are producing more testosterone and learn to control this as they get older.

But did you know that women can also have an orgasm in their sleep.

“I’m having a sexy dream which feels real and a rush of pleasure comes throughout my body. I just had an orgasm”. For women it is harder to realise they had an orgasm in their sleep as there is no physical evidence like with males. Some say this could be that you need some IRL stimulation or there is someone in your life you would like to be close with which can cause you to dream and orgasm.

I do know and quite certain I have experienced these orgasms in my sleep over the years.

For more details on women orgasm in their sleep, please click on the link.


I would be happy to share an orgasm with you.

Maria xx

The Health Benefits of Sex Lead to a Healthy Life

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but having sex is more fun and the health benefits of sex lead to a healthy life.

So as we slip under those sheets for some intimacy it benefits us by:

  • lowering blood pressure
  • burning calories
  • strengthening muscles and bones
  • reducing risk of heart disease, stroke and hypertension
  • increasing libido
  • the more sex in a week makes your immune system stronger preventing illnesses, such as common cold
  • reduces pain such as headache. So when your partner says “not to night dear, I have a headache” sex can remedy this
  • protects men from prostate cancer
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • better sleep
  • intimacy can bring you closer to your partner

Of course, at all times if you are having sex with multiple partners or do not want an unplanned pregnancy, please use protection ie condoms and birth control. As well as to prevent the risk of STIs.

I would be happy to see you for a booking, see my services I can help with those health benefits of sex. 


Cycling Helps Keep Fit and Better Sex

Now that winter is upon us, I enjoy getting out and going for a bike ride. If you don’t own a bike you can hire one. It’s nice to be outside enjoying the winter sun, fresh air, having fun and so cycling helps keep fit and better sex in the bedroom. 

Research has found regular high intensity cycling for women enjoy a better sexual function compared to women who take it easy and don’t ride at all. But cycling is beneficial for both sexes. Most of us know that sex is a good thing and is overall good for your health. But riding a bike also builds up muscles which helps us to enjoy sex for longer. It also decreases stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, strengthen bones, improved joint mobility and increased cardiovascular fitness. So what does that this all mean – it all helps with easier sexual arousal and you are more likely to be in the mood to enjoy sex more often.

So get out and enjoy yourself and remember cycling helps keep fit or come join me for a bike ride and lets have some fun. See my services and rates for a social booking.