Gentleman if you are looking to unwind and relax let me provide you with an erotic massage.
I provide a combination of my soft sensual touch, teasing and tantalising every inch of your body. At the end of the massage your pleasuer will reach that happy ending.
I will be dressed in sexy lingerie unless you would like me nude.
The massage is for 30 minutes only at $150 and nude $200.
(No sex or intimate sexual touching is provided – this is not full service)
Do men suffer from ‘Man-Opause’ just like women? Why yes. In men it is called “Andropause”
If you are experiencing low moods, reduced sexual drive, poor concentration and motivation, aching bones, fatigue. Erectile dysfunction to name a few, these are similar symptoms that women go through for female menopause. So men of a certain age can experience similar symptoms in their mid-life.
We all have testosterone, which gives us that libido and energy. So men your testosterone levels will decline when you reach your mid-40s. This is not to say that all men with go through this. It all depends as well on your health, how fit you are. If you are obese your testosterone levels will drop by 30 per cent or more. Another illness could be diabetes.
The best form of treatment is to have a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep and reduce your stress.
It’s normal to experience a decline in your testosterone levels as you get older. For many men symptoms are manageable. If symptoms are worrying you, I suggest you speak to your doctor who can help to manage or treat your symptoms. It’s all part of the life cycle of growing older.
If you need to release some stress, why not visit me for a relaxing massage, or social date where we can go for a walk. Maria x
The benefits of a hug are more than just a friendly greeting, people hug to express their feelings from affection and joy and sadness. We can also call hugs the “love hormone” oxytocin but it also heals sickness, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.
The feeling of touch and a deep hug has these benefits:
A nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety;
Boost oxytocin levels to heal feelings of loneliness, isolation and anger.
Having a long hug increases oxytocin levels which gives you a feeling of happiness. It also can lead to intimacy between one another;
A hug can strengthen the immune system keeping us healthy. Plus it relaxes our muscles and can soothe our aches and pains.
So if you feel the need for a hug, I would be happy to hug you back as I do like a hug myself. Hugs are all part of my dates.
Are you having pleasurable and great sex? Sex that works for you and is great and makes you feel satisfied, gives you pleasure and makes you feel confident in the bedroom.
Great sex is about having a sensual experience, something I provide in my sessions. A lot of people believe to have great sex is all about their performance to get it right. So when we are in the bedroom it is not always about the sexual performance but pleasure you give one another. No one has sex perfectly but is something we enjoy and is fun. Pleasure is about communicating with your sexual partners while having the sexual experience, being together, relaxing, trusting the person you are with, relating to each other and experiencing sex as something other than penetration and orgasm. Communicating is important so we learn what our partners like and don’t like so we can respect one another.
Some men feel inadequate because they cannot perform and there are many reasons for this, anxiety, stress, nervousness seeing a companion, but we can enjoy the sensual touch of one another and feel and learn the curves of each other’s bodies. A relaxing massage is always a good way to relieve the tension. This will help to have great sex. If you are at the age your both cannot perform any longer you still can have fun with intimacy with kisses, cuddles and just feeling each other’s bodies.
Of course, having sex and an orgasm will relieve the stress and release endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) which will help and reduce anxiety, better sleep and boost our blood circulation for a healthier wellbeing.
I don’t judge anyone on their performance. I just want us both to have a sensual experience which brings both pleasure, an enjoyable time and fun along the way.
I am available for sessions for a pleasurable and sensual session.
Our sexual desire can be increased by eating food that are “aphrodisiac” which is defined as a “drug or food that arouses sexual desire”. It stimulates one or more of our five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch accompanied by some wine, chocolate, candlelight and music.
So aphrodisiacs can boost our sexual drive. It can help to increase our libidos in certain ways by increasing blood flow to sex organs, while others increase the body to produce higher levels of hormones associated with sex drive. Weather this is all true or not, it is important to eat healthy and exercise to maintain your sex drive.
Some of the foods are: chocolate, strawberries, watermelon, red wine, oysters, almonds.
So why not try some strawberries and wine in my company and let the feel-good hormone dopamine give boost to your libido.
If you would like to arouse your sexual desire, lets arrange a date. See my Services and Contact for bookings.
I enjoy spending time outdoors whether at the beach or in the country which is good for you on both a mental and physical level. In the evenings I will go for a stroll along the beach to clear my head and soak up that sea air. But did you know that the health benefits of going to the beach and spending time at the beach is now referred to as “blue space” because of the peace and calmness you experience.
Soaking up the vibes at the beach
Reduces stresses by making you feel at ease;
Boosts your creativity by clearing your head to allow you to clearly focus;
Help in reduce feelings of depression; and
Change your perspective on life.
Sitting at the beach soaking up the atmosphere
So next time you are at the beach taking a dip in the water or just watching the waves, enjoy that feeling of relaxation and enjoy the health benefits of going to the beach.
If you need some relaxation and would like a fun day at the beach, why not see my services and book a date and I would be happy to take you and we can share the effects of the beach together.
We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but having sex is more fun and the health benefits of sex lead to a healthy life.
So as we slip under those sheets for some intimacy it benefits us by:
lowering blood pressure
burning calories
strengthening muscles and bones
reducing risk of heart disease, stroke and hypertension
increasing libido
the more sex in a week makes your immune system stronger preventing illnesses, such as common cold
reduces pain such as headache. So when your partner says “not to night dear, I have a headache” sex can remedy this
protects men from prostate cancer
reduces stress and anxiety
better sleep
intimacy can bring you closer to your partner
Of course, at all times if you are having sex with multiple partners or do not want an unplanned pregnancy, please use protection ie condoms and birth control. As well as to prevent the risk of STIs.
I would be happy to see you for a booking, see my services I can help with those health benefits of sex.