Do men suffer from ‘Man-Opause’ just like women? Why yes. In men it is called “Andropause”
If you are experiencing low moods, reduced sexual drive, poor concentration and motivation, aching bones, fatigue. Erectile dysfunction to name a few, these are similar symptoms that women go through for female menopause. So men of a certain age can experience similar symptoms in their mid-life.
We all have testosterone, which gives us that libido and energy. So men your testosterone levels will decline when you reach your mid-40s. This is not to say that all men with go through this. It all depends as well on your health, how fit you are. If you are obese your testosterone levels will drop by 30 per cent or more. Another illness could be diabetes.
The best form of treatment is to have a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep and reduce your stress.
It’s normal to experience a decline in your testosterone levels as you get older. For many men symptoms are manageable. If symptoms are worrying you, I suggest you speak to your doctor who can help to manage or treat your symptoms. It’s all part of the life cycle of growing older.
If you need to release some stress, why not visit me for a relaxing massage, or social date where we can go for a walk.