Gentleman if you are looking to unwind and relax let me provide you with an erotic massage.
I provide a combination of my soft sensual touch, teasing and tantalising every inch of your body. At the end of the massage your pleasuer will reach that happy ending.
I will be dressed in sexy lingerie unless you would like me nude.
The massage is for 30 minutes only at $150 and nude $200.
(No sex or intimate sexual touching is provided – this is not full service)
Are you feeling stressed, body muscles aches, well let me make you feel relaxed, unwind, stress free with a sensual massage or “eroctic” massage with my soft touch.
The history of sensual massage can be found over more than a thousand years and was widespread in China and India. A sensual massage is designed to be sexually stimulating and is to promote relaxation and increase arousal, leading to increased sexual pleasure.
My soft hands will glide over your body and caress you with massage oil. At the end of the massage if you would like I can give you a “happy ending”.
A sensual or eroctic massage can boost your health and wellbeing. By having a massage regularly it can:
strengthen your immune system by raising your antibodies to ward against germs and viruses
lower the risk of heart attack
Sleeping improvement
eliminate headaches, back aches to name a few by raising your endorphins in your body which are a natural painkiller
lower the risk of prostate cancer
stronger, longer erections
increase sexual stamina
Of course having a massage is stress relief, but having a massage with eroctica the benefits go much further. Massage strokes alone breaks down muscle knots and eliminate the stress hormone cortisol giving you relief. The euphoria of a happy ending releases the feel good chemical Oxycontin, which maximises the pleasure and stimulates a positive mind-set for you. An erotic massage really is the best relief.
Some people enjoy massage beyond the numerous health benefits because it produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection without the sex.
You can always check with your Doctor if it is medically safe for you. If you have never tried this type of massage before, why not make a booking with me for a 30 minute sensual massage and let me make you feel relaxed.
Are you having pleasurable and great sex? Sex that works for you and is great and makes you feel satisfied, gives you pleasure and makes you feel confident in the bedroom.
Great sex is about having a sensual experience, something I provide in my sessions. A lot of people believe to have great sex is all about their performance to get it right. So when we are in the bedroom it is not always about the sexual performance but pleasure you give one another. No one has sex perfectly but is something we enjoy and is fun. Pleasure is about communicating with your sexual partners while having the sexual experience, being together, relaxing, trusting the person you are with, relating to each other and experiencing sex as something other than penetration and orgasm. Communicating is important so we learn what our partners like and don’t like so we can respect one another.
Some men feel inadequate because they cannot perform and there are many reasons for this, anxiety, stress, nervousness seeing a companion, but we can enjoy the sensual touch of one another and feel and learn the curves of each other’s bodies. A relaxing massage is always a good way to relieve the tension. This will help to have great sex. If you are at the age your both cannot perform any longer you still can have fun with intimacy with kisses, cuddles and just feeling each other’s bodies.
Of course, having sex and an orgasm will relieve the stress and release endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) which will help and reduce anxiety, better sleep and boost our blood circulation for a healthier wellbeing.
I don’t judge anyone on their performance. I just want us both to have a sensual experience which brings both pleasure, an enjoyable time and fun along the way.
I am available for sessions for a pleasurable and sensual session.